Turn to God in Prayer

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Image result for prayerImage result for prayerImage result for prayer

Prayer is talking even communicating with God in heaven.  It is our way of asking for petition as well personal help to our Heavenly Father, the Holy Spirit, our Divine Creator.
The best pattern of it is found in Matthew 6: 4-15, " Our Father who art in Heaven, hollowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy Will be done on on Earth as it is in Heaven, give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our sins as  we forgive those who sins against us,do not bring us to the test but deliver us from evil..Amen.
As you seen at the pictures people with different religious affiliations expresses their respective prayers and honor to Almighty God. Even an animal  like dogs, cats, lizards as well as  plants and all form of living things praised Almighty God our Creator and Maker of LIFE! The striking picture I observed is that a dog though it is an animal it pays honor and praise to our God, because his master (the boy) taught the dog how to pray. Means all forms of life if we teach them well it will do according to what you want. Just like the mother discipline her child as saying goes, Discipline your child from "womb to tomb."
Also the best guide for prayer is the acronym A.C.T.S. which stands for

A- adoration

C- confession

T- thanksgiving

S- supplication

When I have a lot of problems, I turn to God in prayer. Many times I experienced that my burdens will became lighter whenever I ask help to Almighty God in prayer.
I do believed a powerful Christian is a prayerful  Christian or a prayerful person will make a person powerful against temptations even trials you will become strong to face everything. Just have faith even trust God that it will be done with your patience and confidence also. Therefore it's very nice to have communication with God through prayers.
 Giving thanks to God even you are in the mode of ups and downs in your life, since God said, in everything give thanks for this is the will of God concerning you/ us. Bu, it is our responsibility always to take heed of our plans or actions. Meaning, if you have made bad moves the result of course  will be not good . What you reap is what you sow.
Every actions as well as plans will depends on our wise thinking. Therefore, just keep on reading the Holy Bible (love letter of God) and He will lead you in a right pathways. God bless us all. Just memorize this book of Psalms 23: 1- 6. For Sunni Muslims, just read Qur'an then others just read your holy guidebooks for peaceful living.

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